Fallout 4

How Many Lines of Dialogue are in Fallout 4?

Sunday, the slowest news day in the video games industry. What do you do when you can’t find anything new and worthwhile to report on? Well you go back and see what news you missed during the week. When you realise that a news piece you missed offers insight into just how ambitious Fallout 4 is you write that up, even if you are a day or, maybe, three late. To answer the question “how many lines of dialogue are in Fallout 4?” you just pop onto Bethesda’s Twitter account where they told the world there is over 111K lines in the game. They then went on to give that some context by saying it’s more lines than Fallout 3 and Skyrim combined, so get ready to do a serious amount of talking, to virtual people, this coming November. Let’s hope they hire more voice actors than they did for Oblivion, I don’t think anyone wants to hear another awkward mudcrab conversation between two characters that sound the same.

All that and Dogmeat just gets one line, "woof!"

All that and Dogmeat just gets one word, “woof!”

A quick bit of research tells me that Skyrim had a whopping 60,000 lines of dialogue, however I couldn’t find out exactly how many Fallout 3 had but it must have been somewhere between 40 and 50 thousand. It’s not just Fallout 4’s dialogue that has received a boost over Bethesda’s previous games, there’s also an improved crafting system and an all new robust base building segment. However, Bethesda being Bethesda have decided to let you ignore all that, should you choose to, and play the game whatever way you want. You can play Fallout 4 on November 10th, although Xbox fans may be too busy playing with their Rise of the Tomb Raider Collector’s Editions.