
Rise of the Tomb Raider Collector’s Edition Announced

Square Enix have just announced a collector’s edition for their upcoming game Rise of the Tomb Raider. The collector’s edition is only available through the Square Enix e-store or the Official Tomb Raider Store and so far has only been confirmed for the Xbox One version of the game. The collector’s edition comes with a physical copy of the game, a steel bookcase, a model of Lara’s Jade Necklace, a replica of Lara’s journal and the star of the package is a 12” statue of none other than Lara Croft. Rise of the Tomb Raider is launching in North America on the 10th of November while Xbox owners in Europe will have to wait until the 13th to get a copy of the game. The collector’s edition of the game launches the same day as the standard edition but will set you back €139.99.


Rise of the Tomb Raider is launching simultaneously on Xbox One and the 360 but the PC version won’t arrive until early 2016. PS4 users, however, have an even longer wait till the game launches on their console of choice in holiday 2016. Unfortunately for Square Enix Bethesda’s monster of a game, Fallout 4, launches on the same day as Rise of the Tomb Raiders Xbox debut which could drastically effect the games sales. As for PS4 users craving some third-person action-adventure fun the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is launching the 7th of October 2015 and the highly anticipated Uncharted 4 will launch in the first half of 2016. Finally Xbox One users looking to catch up with Lara Croft’s story before November will be able to do so this September when Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition is given away for free with Games for Gold.