Developer Comments ‘XBLA Is Full Of Shit’

Commenting anonymously to Develop may developers have revealed their thoughts on Wii Ware, and how it compares to other download services.

One developer commented “Nintendo has made it very clear to us that we’ll not only be making a better royalty rate from WiiWare games, but we’ll also have a better chance of selling games,” thus revealing why many developers may choose the service over the other two console equivalents. “The service won’t be clogged up with the retro titles that have blighted the chances of many independent studios on Xbox Live Arcade,” he went on to say (obviously forgetting about Virtual Console).

However, not all developers were as kind in regards to the multitude of retro games on Xbox Live Arcade. “Frankly, we’re not looking at making games for Xbox Live Arcade because the service is full of shit,” another WiiWare developer irately revealed.