Playstation 4

PlayStation Accepting Software Update Beta Testers

On the 2nd of September Sony will be allowing a select number of PlayStation 4 owners to beta test the systems upcoming software update. The idea is for the beta testers to test out the updates functionality and features and provide feedback on both. If you’re interested in becoming a beta tester you can sign up here and I would advise doing that as soon as possible because positions are limited. Testers will get a sneak peek at upcoming features on the console although what those will be is yet to be clarified, more details will be given on September 2nd when the beta testing goes live. In order to become a beta tester you will need a PS4, an internet connection and a master account, sub-accounts are not compatible. If you’d like to become  beta tester but you’re worried that the update will cause your console to crash don’t be because Sony is allowing beta testers to uninstall the beta update and go back to the previous software, v2.57, at any time.

It’s easy to speculate on this being a pretty big update bringing some meaningful new features to the PS4 but what those may be remains to be seen. If you want to be one of the first to find out come September 2nd then sign up to become a beta tester as soon as possible, that is if you won’t be too busy with Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain or Mad Max which both launch on the previous day September 1st.


