International Talk Like A Pirate Day


Arrrrrr, with it bein’ International Talk Like a Pirate Day tomorrow – one o’ the more important days o’ the year – y’all probably wonderin’ what buried booty to get y’hands on. Aye, well my parrot told me there’s treasure in these internets.

Seadogs Telltale be givin’ away the first episode of Tales o’ Monkey Island on September 19th (tomorrow). One o’ the crew rated this nine pieces of gold out of ten. Arghh!

An’ LucasArts be givin’ ye half off The Secret o’ Monkey Island: Special Edition at Steam Bay and App Store Island.

With a bit of voodoo let us reminisce the days o’ Monkey Three from 1997. I’m off to fetch me grog in time for the song.


Will ye be doing anything piratey?