Eidos announce Mini Ninjas, a new game from Hitman devs

After putting up a teaser site about the game late last year, and not really saying much more, Eidos have finally got around to formally announcing Mini Ninjas – developed by Io Interactive. Io previously worked on multiple games in the Hitman series; which spawned a movie, Freedom Fighters; which spawned a rather nice cult following, and Kane & Lynch: Dead Men; which spawned much hatred for Eidos from many corners of the internet.

Eidos say the game will be hitting Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, Xbox 360, PC (under the Games for Windows label) and PlayStation 3 this Autumn (or Fall if you so wish). To the best of our knowledge Io will be working on all versions of game.

Eidos boast that Mini Ninja offers a Ninja adventure like you have never seen before. The main protagonist of the game is called Hiro, who embarks on a quest to restore harmony to a world on the brink of chaos – irrespective of his minute size. Hiro will apparently use Kuji magic, other special skills, and a selection of Mini Ninja friends as he battles the Evil Samurai, and their Warlord on the way to the Fortress of Doom.

Mini Ninjas represents a truly special game for us,” remarks of very Ninja sounding Niels Jørgensen, General Manager of Io Interactive. “The whole team is very excited about it, because it is unique in so many ways. From the art style to the characters and the depth of the game – Mini Ninjas has that exceptional appeal, which is sure to keep both young and old very entertained.

Here is a couple of screen of the PS3/360 version:

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