Wildfire Pic

Wildfire Worlds: A Game You Design?

Dot Product, an extremely new company has announced a new game known only as Wildfire Worlds. While we’d like to tell you what it is, we don’t know much about the new title. It’s not that we don’t want to know; we’d love that. The problem is that the developers don’t seem entirely sure as to what the product is either. In fact, outside of a teaser trailer that shows a small town, no one seems to know what the game is.


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhP_GabOW0c&w=560&h=315]


In Dot Product’s defense, they’re offering the same thing Megaman Legends 3 tried to offer. It’s a game that’s up to the consumer to make. As quoted from the developers themselves: “Confucius say, ‘Man with large ears, make awesome games yo’. We shall make our ears large. We shall listen carefully to all feedback and respond rapidly. We shall clap our hands like seals.” Basically, you offer a suggestion, and if it’s “bodacious” (I feel like that’s a word they’d use) enough, they’ll put it in the game. It’s the sandbox before the sandbox.

More information concerning this vague title can be found at the developer’s main site.