
Trailer Attack: 5th February 2021 – Nioh nightmare world

Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition

Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition launches today across Europe, bringing the highly-anticipated dark fantasy action RPG to PC (via Steam) for the first time!

Windjammers 2

Windjammers 2’s Arcade Mode allows superstars to conquer championships while playing solo, offering up a gauntlet of matches against AI opponents as well as optional challenges, which reward versatile competitors able to adapt their playstyles on the fly. Strong performances will earn credits, which can save players from falling out of a tournament should they ever lose a match. Arcade Mode is a great starting point for beginners and brings the world of Windjammers to life!

On Air

Set in the United States in 1969, you’ll play as a former CIA operative investigating the disappearance of employees in the biggest tech conglomerate in the country, uncovering secrets while trying to survive and escape from the hotel.


Get ready for this single-player, cyberpunk, stealth-action RPG set in the dystopian underworld of a near-future New York City. Out on PC, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.


teamCOIL and Samustai announce the console release of their intense “avoid-em up” puzzle PUSS!. The game will be out on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on February 19. PUSS is priced at $11.99 and is available for preorder on Nintendo Switch and Xbox One with a 20% discount.



Get ready for the Most Wanted Battle Pass! Including new skins including Safebreaker Kali, Bunnycomb Aphrodite, Mastermind Yemoja and more!

In Nightmare

Set in a whimsical dreamworld, In Nightmare is a narrative-driven horror adventure game combining sneak action with diverse puzzles. It follows a young boy in search for the last hope of love who is working out his own salvation by navigating through his fear.

The World Ends with You The Animation

The World Ends with You The Animation will begin airing on April 9.
