
Trailer Attack: 23rd December 2020 – Canyon sons fury

Alpaca Ball: Allstars

Christmas is also coming to Alpaca Ball: Allstars, and to celebrate it, the game has been updated with a new pitch in the middle of a Christmas market and with several customisation items typical of this season.


Super Meat Boy Forever

Super Meat Boy Forever, Team Meat’s long, long awaited sequel to 2010’s runaway platforming hit Super Meat Boy, has finally made its debut on the Nintendo Switch eShop and Epic Games Store, where it costs $19.99 / £15.99 / €15.99. PlayStation and Xbox versions will follow in approximately one month.

Sons of the Forest

Sons of the Forest, the sequel The Forest, will launch in 2021.

Fatal Fury: First Contact

SNK has released Fatal Fury: First Contact for Switch via the Nintendo eShop for $7.99

Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom

Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom is a history-driven turn-based strategy set in WW2. Take command of the Allied forces and protect your homeland and the whole of Europe from totalitarian madness. Form armies. Win battles. Change history.

Colt Canyon

Loot. Shoot. Dodge. Reload. Take your revolver and rescue your kidnapped partner in this atmospheric and punchy roguelite game.

Age of Water

Age of Water tells the story of a distant future when the Earth has been transformed into an ocean world. Residents live in cities built upon whatever urban structures remain above the water’s surface including skyscraper rooftops and giant statues. Take control of a motorboat and travel between settlements, fighting pirates, excavating the remnants of a lost civilization from the depths of the ocean and transport valuable goods whilst discovering whether the mythical land still exists.