Soon we could have Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie from Sony
Kotaku report that Sony Pictures have been busy recently, and registered several web domains that hint they could soon work with Sega to develop a Sonic the Hedgehog movie.
The firm trademarked “,” “,” and “” last week. This certainly gives strong hits that the firm are at least in the planning stages of something Sonic related.
The likes of Open Season, Surf’s Up, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and The Smurfs – who are also famous blue things – were brought to the big screen by the Sony Pictures Animation arm of Sony Pictures in recent years, so it is likely they would be involved in something like this.
Of course, Sony could also go live-action and Christian Bale could be cast as Sonic and Danny DeVito as Robotnik. I’d watch that in a heartbeat. If this madness come to pass, hopefully we’ll also get a Sonic game based on that movie – like we did for Street Fighter: The Movie. We also buy that very fast.