Sega teases new game called Project Ringo


Sega have just put up a new basic page on their Japanese site. The page, which honestly looks half made at the moment, reveals the the company is working on something called Project Ringo.

The only info available on the page is a short video which shows a few shots of a greyed out shadowy anime type figure making a few basic movements. There is also a Javascript box showing up underneath the video for some reason.

To be honest, it all makes little to no sense, However, the word Ringo means Apple in Japanese, so a possible explanation could be that this will be a game for Apple’s iPhone. The shadowy figure on the site also seems to be tossing an apple up into the air, which could be hinting at the same thing.

If you look at the whole video, at the very end it asks “what happens next?” with a February 24th date tagged on. It seems we will find out more on that date, and remain very confused until then.