Podcast 7 – March 2009
Good LORD. After another year of inactivity, we’re re-launching the podcast. But we mean it this time, man. This podcast is the final run for our usual ‘recorded all in one room with a load of Rustlers burgers and cans of fizzy pop’ format, as from next week onwards it’s all about Skype. And Rustlers burgers. And cans of fizzy pop. Point is, taking it online means we can do this regularly, instead of once in a blue moon.
In order to get back into the swing of things, we’ve done our traditional look back at the DarkZero end-of-year top 20 list, with a breakdown of how we feel about the list and each of the games in it. And yes, we know we sound like massive Xbox 360 fanboys, but we’re not. Promise.
Special thanks to Tansut, because we nicked the audio from his incredible Ultimate Falcon Match video for the interlude. Oh, and bonus points for anyone who spots the Sonic Genesis mistake. We’re really sorry, honest.