Podcast 62 – Never Get Played
Will we get sued for that image? Let’s hope not!!!!
GUYS! The new PSP has been announced! But, we know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “I think I like the new PSP, but I’m not really sure. I wish a crack team of husky, mysterious gentlemen could tell me what to think!”
WELL WE ARE THOSE GENTLEMEN. Download this podcast to literally hear us talk about the NGP for a length of time best described as “a while”. Then, then, Andi and Ian talk far too much about Bulletstorm, and Sean explains why he loves Magicka even though it took him 40 minutes of faffing around before he could actually play the ruddy thing.
After that we tackle your incredible questions, and someone makes the mistake of mentioning Gamecrush, sending Owen into a blind rage. Here is the video he mentions, if you’re interested. Which you should be.
Seriously though, we got some excellent questions this week, so cheers very much for sending them in, and we hope you enjoy hearing us answer them. As always, feel free to stalk/harass us on Twitter if there’s anything you want us to discuss. Please. We need it.
Kiss! x