Podcast 56 – Just over a foot.
Holy balls.
Yeah, we’re back. Hopefully for real, this time. Sorry. Again.
– Duke Nuke Forever!!!! (we haven’t played it we just talk about it!!!!)
– Monster Hunter!!!
– Some shitty sports games or something!!!!!
– Deadly Premonition!!!!
– Halo bloody Reach!!!!!!
And then, then, more of your questions get answered. They’re even more awful than usual, so thanks for those.*
As a special bonus middle bit, Ian did a load of recordings at the big Halo Reach launch in New York. Don’t ask us where his weird pseudo-American accent came from, but do feel free to get in touch making fun of him.
Join us next time, where you can hear an interview with some lovely men from Bizarre Creations that will probably cause them to lose their jobs. Or cause Ian to lose his tourist visa, at least.
*(Seriously though, thanks. They’re the only clue we get that anyone is listening, after all.)