
Pay What You Want For Plague Knights OST, or Don’t

You might have heard of a little Kickstarted game called Shovel Knight that came out last year, it appeared on a handful consoles including Wii U, 3DS, PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One, Mac and PC, ok so more than a handful. Well the games developers, Yacht Club, have just released a free expansion for the game allowing you to play as one of the Shovel Knights bosses, Plague Knight. The DLC, called Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows, expands on the Shovel Knight story and world as you play as a member of The Order of no Quarter, Plague Knight. This isn’t just a reskin of the original game, it actually completely changes the gameplay, out with the shovels and in with double jumps and potions.


The games developers have very kindly put Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows original soundtrack up on Bandcamp and they are allowing you to choose what you pay for it. If you want to show your support for the artists behind the music then you can choose how much you want to pay for the album. However if you already feel entitled to the music after purchasing Shovel Knight then no big deal you can just download the music for free. The album includes Plague of Shadows ten original tracks, some remixed tracks and a brand new vocal track called Alchemy by Mint Potion.