Mad Max

Mad Max, PS4, Exclusive Content

I think the title says it all, well most of it. Avalanche, the developers behind the upcoming Mad Max video game, have just announced that the game will feature exclusive content for the PlayStation 4.  The content includes twelve unique hood ornaments for Max’s cars, seven of which are called: Longlooker, Wez Pads and Hawk, Humongous Mask, Feral Boomerang, Aviator Helm, The Furry  Toadie and Bearclaw’s Mask. Mad Max is launching simultaneously across PS4, Xbox One and PC on September 1st and the PS4 exclusive content is guaranteed to stay exclusive at least up until the 30th of November 2015. You can check out some of the exclusive content in the reveal trailer below.

Also launching worldwide come September 1st is Kojima’s finale entry in the Metal Gear saga The Phantom Pain which should provide Mad Max with some pretty steep competition. Grabbing exclusive content for upcoming games is something Sony plans to do throughout the rest of the year in order to make up for its lack of first party content.  Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Arkham Knight and Hitman are just three examples of games that the company has managed to secure exclusive content for. Mad Max isn’t Avalanche’s only game coming out this year with the third entry to the Just Cause series arriving on the 1st of December.