Lips mics getting update to work with GH: Metallica and Rock Band 2

The microphones for Lips are awesomely bright and shiny.  However, most people just like the microphones because they are wireless. See we are not fickle

Currently the microphones only work with Lips, which is not all that good as it’s not the most popular music game out there. However, that is all set to change soon as Microsoft have revealed they will soon support Guitar Hero: Metallica and Rock Band 2.

It does not seem to be an easy fix though, as we will have a bit of a wait on our hands before we get the update. Guitar Hero: Metallica will be the first to get it, in a few weeks,and then a title update for Rock Band 2 will sort things out for that game later in the summer.

It does not seem like Guitar Hero: World Tour will get an update though.