Konami offers students opportunities with UK PES League University Championship
Back in my student days (not that long ago!) I enjoyed participating in gaming competitions set up by local students at the university. We would host a group of people for some Street Fighter IV action each month, then hold a bigger tournament and get more people interested. University students are the perfect people to target for such an event, because let’s be honest, they have a lot of free time during their early studies and playing video games is a great way to entertain the downtime between assignments.
Konami might not see it exactly like that, but they do know that students are the future of the medium – creating new video games and taking part in the ever growing popularity of eSports, that’s why the company is having a PES League Championship open exclusively to UK university students, to offer them a chance to become PES League representatives; gaining the title of official PES League Ambassador, who would work with Konami to organise PES League tournaments on campus, updating results directly into the official PES League website, and will ultimately give their fellow students the chance to become the virtual Ronaldo of University students.
Konami has partnered with GAME and Adidas to make sure students will have a regular supply of high quality prizes to play for. The winner will also be guaranteed a seat at the PES UK Finals where they can compete for a chance to play PES on the world stage. This is a once in a life time opportunity for universities to go down in history as participants in the first ever PES League University Championship.
Bridie Daniels, the UK’s community manager for Konami says
Konami hope to establish a future career pool by offering a number of educational opportunities to students throughout the course of the University Championship such as partnership and ambassador schemes. This would be a fantastic opportunity for university students to gain first-hand experience in organising eSports events whilst working alongside an international games brand. This experience would be great addition to any CV, especially for students working towards a career in the media or games industry.
Not only will Ambassadors get to experience working with Konami and the PES name, they will also receive a number of other perks. Students interested in finding out more about becoming official PES League Ambassadors should contact [email protected]
There is currently a tournament in mid season, and to enter it all you need to do is sign up for PES League with your .ac.uk University email address. You will then be automatically added into the event and your results will be logged straight away. With the Easter holidays in place, now is the perfect time to stick in a copy of the great Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 and play an intelligent game of football.