Is there already a fix to the new PS3 4.45 update?
Ever since the new system update 4.45 hit last night gamers have reported that their PS3’s are locking up, making them completely unplayable. This morning a Sony spokesperson said the following to IGN:
“We are aware of reports that the recent PlayStation 3 system software update (version 4.45) has caused the XMB to not display on a small number of PS3 systems. We have temporarily taken 4.45 offline and are investigating the cause of the problem. We will announce when the system update is available for download as soon as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience.”
While people are reporting that they have the update and it did not lock their PS3, it is a good idea to refrain from downloading any updates until reports say there are no more problems.
Now if this problem has already hit you, there may already be a way to fix it once Sony discovers the problem. Josrocket on the official Playstation forums detailed a fix that is proving to be quite effective.
“You first need to wait until tomorrow once sony uploads the fixed firmware to the playstation website. Once they do you will need to bring up safe mode on your ps3 and re-install the firmware by selecting option 6. Do not do a file system restore it will fail!!!! You will be foreced to reformat your system. If you call sony they will tell you to do this so dont bother it does not work. So just wait until tomorrow and re-install the firmware fix.”
While Sony may put up another fix, for now this seems to be the best option.
See this thread on the forums for more information.