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Guardians of Middle Earth set for release on December 4th, 2012

While not an exact tie-in to The Hobbit film being released on December 14th (so close!), the news from Monolith today has confirmed that we’ll be getting Guardians of Middle Earth on December 4th, 2012 for the PS3. While the game will be available that day for download on PSN and purchase from certain retailers, the Xbox 360 will see Guardians “sometime in December.”

The game promises battles from numerous characters from both The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings: “Gamers team up as the most powerful heroes from the greatest fantasy epic of all time, bringing up to 10 players together in a competitive multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game.  Featuring tie-ins to the upcoming film, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, the game allows players to develop and master more than 20 iconic characters.”

Some of the recently announced characters include Beregond – the ruling steward of Gondor – and a nasty goblin named Felgrom, a new character designed just for the game.

In case you missed it, here’s the cinematic trailer from the game’s debut in May:

If you ask me, it’s looking rather promising. Plus, any game where Gollum might have a special attack named “rocks and pools/are nice and cool” is a win in my book. Thinking further about it, I guess there could even be a special costumed appearance from Dwalin decked out in Lonely Mountain dwarven armor. We’ll call it, “One Bling to rule them all.”

More information as we get it.