Castle Crashers Remastered Coming This September
During their Xbox briefing at E3 2015 Microsoft made many announcements, one of which was Castle Crashers is being released for the Xbox One. Well The Behemoth, the games developers, announced the release date for Castle Crashers: Remastered, via their blog yesterday, and the game is coming out on the 9th of September. That’s just four days away! The blog also mentions that it’s been seven years since the game first released, so what’s changed in this edition? Well it’s now 60 frames per second, the texture sizes are five times larger, there’s been some performance updates and gameplay tweaks, the mutltiplayer has had some performance updates and it will be easier to find games. Perhaps the most important new edition is the brand new multiplayer mini-game “Back Off Barbarian.” In Back Off Barbarian players use the d-pad to avoid enemies coming towards them, as time passes more enemies are added to the map making it more difficult. The mini-game can be played with up to four players.
The game will cost the same $14.99 that it did on 360, but if you own a 360 copy off the game you’ll be able to grab it up for free on Xbox One until the 20th of September. The good news for those who owned it on 360, but don’t have an Xbox One yet, is that from the 21st of September onwards, if you previously had a copy of the game, it will only set you back $5 for the new version. Between this, Mad Max and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Xbox One owners should have plenty to do this September.