Capcom boastfully explain the high price of Flock
Flock is going to cost 1200MP on XBLA, you probably heard that already. It seems many fans are not all too happy with the pricing, and on Capcom’s official “Ask Capcom” forum, Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development at the company, has tired to explain why it is priced so high, remarking it does things no other game on the market can boast.
“Show me another game, with server-based user created content rating and sharing for $15… hell, show me another one for less than $50. Show me any game on Xbox 360 with server based UGC sharing,” he comments.
“It’s a quality title with quality service to match. The community is going to create some amazing stuff which is why we opted for a server system as opposed to just peer to peer sharing (which isn’t nearly as compelling).”
Of course, if the community fails to exist because of the pricing of the game, then Capcom only have themselves to blame.
Flock will hit XBLA tomorrow (April 8th), and on PS3 April 9th.