Wolfenstein 3D on the way to XBLA/PSN


Via a ratings update on the ESRB website, it has been revealed that id will be brining Wolfenstein 3D to both Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.

No specific mention of PSN and XBLA is made in the rating, but you can be 99.999% sure that will be the way it is released when the time comes. Presumably the game may see a graphical update when released on these platforms – it is supposed to be obligatory on XBLA anyway.

Will depiction of the Swastika, a robotic Adolf Hitler, and musical themes based on those used by the Nazi Party stick around in this new version? We don’t really know, but the game is rated Mature for Blood, Gore, and also Violence, so it is possible we won’t get the censored and edited version of the game. The rating also revealed Activision-Blizzard will be publishing

Over the years the game was made available for multiple formats, including the 3DO, Super NES, Game Boy Advance, Atari Jaguar, Apple IIGS, recently the iPhone, and most obvious of all PC.

A new Wolfenstine game is set for release on PS3, PC, and 360 on 28th July, built using id’s Tech 4 engine, so expect the two titles to be released very close together.