Resistance 2 details revealed as part of Playstation Day


Some new details have being revealed about Resistance 2 as part of the PlayStation Day event Sony are holding under the big giant Millennium Dome shaped thing that O2 now own. By the way, if you have not been following the news PlayStation Day is kind of like Mothers Day with less “I love you Mom,” and more games.

At the show Ted Price, president of Insomniac Games commented that in the game the much hyped eight-player co-op mode will boast it’s own story, and will not just be weird cutscene-less version of the single player mode. Apparently, characters in this mode will all have there own unique story progression and rewards as well.

From there he went on to focus on the multiplayer aspect of the game, revealing that even though battles will be massive with up to 60 player options available, the developers are still focusing on intimacy. “Battles within battles” are a huge part of the multiplayer he commented. A new GPS style map was also shown as part of the HUD in a demo of the game, but Price did not comment about it directly.

He also revealed that the version of the game demoed at the show was still a work in progress, and that Resistance 2 is still “Six months away from appearing on shelves.”