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Pure Pool has very nice looking balls – and will come to PS4

The Mosconi Cup may be over, and Earl Strickland may be angry at someone or something, and Europe may have won decisively – but there should still be time in your life for some more pool. It seems Ripstone Games think the same, as they will be bringing Pure Pool to Playstation 4 sometime in the future.

The below trailer shows of the game , and has a bit of everything. Music, someone’s eye, a girl in high heels that looks like she fell out of 2 Fast 2 Furious, a dude with a hat, and another one with sunglasses, and some very nice looking balls in 720p. View it!

Like the trailer says, the game will come to PS4 sometime in 2014. We’ll report back when we find out which one of those 365 days that actually will be.