My tank is Death Taaaaaaank!


Those of you cool enough to own a Sega Saturn, as well as both of much-missed Lobotomy Software’s ports of Quake and Duke Nukem 3D, may remember the secret mini-game that was unlocked by possessing a save file from both games on your system’s memory – DEATH TANK ZWEI.

It was essentially a real-time Worms, with up to SEVEN player tanks moving, adjusting trajectories and launching missiles at one another, each shot blasting away at the yellow hills that made up the terrain. Obviously, this means it was super-amazing fun. Clearly, a few other people realized this and it is set for release on XBLA this Wednesday, with full online play for up to 8 players. That’s ONE MORE than on the Sega Saturn – truly, we have progressed. It also has HD graphics and all that other stuff you expect from a Live Arcade release, but, does it still have the AWESOME DEATH TANK THEME SONG?

For 1200 Microsoft points, it better had.