Far Cry 2 gets a title update on 360, PS3/PC to follow

Ubisoft have released a new title update for Far Cry 2 on Xbox 360. You’ll download it automatically the next time you start the game while connected to Xbox Live. Ubi go on to say ” a similar update for PS3 and PC will be announced soon.

DarkZero likes Far Cry 2, we talk about it too much lots in our Podcasts. The patch affects all aspects of the game, which includes both single and multiplayer changes. The single player changes mostly affect the stability of the game, and they are:

  • Fix some random crash occurring during specific Malaria attacks
  • Fix health damage not following the difficulty level when switching difficulty during player’s walkthrough
  • Fix some camera issue when using a mortar near a rock
  • Reduce significantly the probability of having a corrupted save game

You can read the multiplayer stuff, which includeds the addition of a hardcore mode, on Ubi’s official forums here.