Robert Bowling Four Zero Two

Creative Strategist on COD resigns from Activision. Can COD get less creative?

Via Twitter, Robert Bowling (more well known as @fourzerotwo on the social network), has announced he has resigned from Activision. His job at the company was Creative Strategist for the series.

Today, I resign from my position as Creative Strategist of Call of Duty, as a lead of Infinity Ward, and as an employee of Activision,” he comments, rather bluntly.

Infinity Ward’s own Twitter took the time to thank him for his work on the series over the years.

We wish Robert all the best. Thanks for everything. For continued MW updates & all things IW follow @infintiyward.

This now means Call of Duty, a game where you angrily shoot people in the face, and sometime shoot those same people when in a vehicle, but mostly shoot them when running quickly (as things explode), will now be less creative.

We fear the next IW led COD will have you shooting from a seated position, whilst tapping “X” to hold back tears. If they go that way, then maybe 22Cans can co-develop.