BBFC detail Ninja Gaiden 2 content

Following their rating of the game a few days ago the BBFC have updated their site to give more details on why Ninja Gaiden got an 18 rating from the board. As you may have already read on this site this is the first time a Ninja Gaiden got a 18 rating in the UK.

The increase is apparently due to the game containing “very graphic violence and bloody gore” with “Ryu’s weapons sending body parts flying through the air and onto the walls and the ground, with blood splattering beside them.” According to the BBFC this goes above what they warrant as a 15 rating, as violence in a game “may be strong but may not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury” to attain that rating.

From there the classifaction goes on to explain more details on the game, commenting on the story where players “assume the role of Ryu, a ninja who must try to save his girlfriend from his mortal enemy“.

Weapons in the game are also detailed, with the BBFC commenting that “Ryu gathers various weapons as the game progresses, including a sword, nunchucks, bow & arrow, twin swords, a scythe, metal claws and so on”.

The effects of these weapons are also remarked on. “Each of these produces slightly different gore effects against the enemies – for example a staff weapon reduces bodies to sticky lumps of flesh. The player can also use special powers, including the ability to set enemies on fire – this results in sight of the immolated victims screaming and twitching after falling to the ground,” reveals the BBFC

The games enemies are also hit on. “Many of the enemies at the start of the game are human, as you progress they become more fantastical (some with green blood), and the boss opponents consist of magical witches, giant monsters etc,” they reveal

Finally, a cutscene from the game is revealed, with the BBFC stating that “The game also contains a ‘cutscene’ in which a female character bathes in blood and talks to Ryu with her breasts and buttocks visible.

We are sure that one will end up on Fox News!