Audiosurf coming to XBLA? Update: or not


The latest issue of GamesTM boasts an interview with Dylan Fitterer, the mind behind Audiosurf. Hidden away in the article is the revelation that the game is coming to Xbox Live Arcade, with the magazine commenting “With Audiosurf, his first commercial project, released via Steam to PC users and soon on Xbox Live Arcade.” It seems like a rather throwaway comment, and in truth is a weird way to reveal that the game could be coming to the platform, but it is nice to hear that there is plans to make it available.


If you have not heard about the game, Audiosurf is an innovative rhythm-racing title which lets you create your own unique track depending on the music you play. You can load any mp3 into the game, meaning every song ever created can be used should you feel the need to. The game is already available on Steam for $10, but if for some reason you don’t want that version then the XBLA release, whenever it happens, might pique your interest.

Update: Bad news, over on the games official forum Dylan Fitterer, the creator of the game has denied Audiosurf is coming to XBLA “Must have been a miscommunication. I didn’t say that,” he comments.

Thanks to Cody for directing us to the update